Konami Cheat Code Game

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A. If you correctly identified that combination as the Konami Code, congratulations on your wonderful geekiness. We applaud you.

The Konami Code is a specific version of the Classic Cheat Code, and is one of the most popular variants in video game history. While the code first appeared in the Nintendo Entertainment System version of Gradius, it became famous for its use in Contra. The typical form is the directional combination followed by two buttons and then start and/or select, though most of the time, start is. We might as well end on the classic. While Gradius was the first game with the code, most. The Konami Code is one of the most interesting things about the games released by the company. Many of Konami’s games feature cheat codes known as Konami codes. Gradius was the first game in which Konami used such a code when Nintendo was making waves in the market. The classic game of ‘Contra’ also had cheat codes, as intended by the. What Is the Konami Code? Let’s unveil the mystery – this code is a cheat sequence that can be utilized on most Konami games (hence the name), as well as some other projects. Eventually, it became so popular that TV shows featured it, and websites added it as an Easter egg for curious users to find.

Originally a cheat code for power-ups in the NES 1985 arcade game Gradius, the Konami Code has become a symbol in geek culture, and has achieved success as an Easter egg on various websites. Thrown in by sneaky developers as a way to access extra content, games or just something fun, Konami Code Easter eggs have been found on Facebook, Marvel, ESPN.com and, most recently, Vogue UK's website.

  1. The Konami Code (known in Japanese as the Konami Command) is a specific version of the Classic Cheat Code, and is one of the most popular variants in video game history.
  2. Kazuhisa Hashimoto, the video game maker who created the most famous cheat code in video games – the 'Konami Code' – has died. The series of button pushes on a controller – Up, Up, Down.

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Don't know how to do it? No sweat. We'll walk you through a practice round. Head to Vogue UK's homepage. Then, enter the following combination with your keyboard's arrow keys:

Clever girl. Now try it on the 20 sites in the list below.

Still want more? Check out KonamiCodeSites.com for a list of all known sites with a Konami Code Easter egg. Be sure to let us know which is your favorite in the comments.

1. Zeno.name

Is it an accusation, or a call to action?

2. Mint: Designologue.com

Type the code and press enter for a new virtual friend.

3. AIM Express

There's really no other reason to go on AIM Express. Sign in, click the box at the top left, type the code and press enter.

4. GeekandHype.com

5. Cornify.com


Make the Internet a magical place. After you type the code, keep pressing enter.

6. Soundclick.com

For a surprise fit for Ron Swanson.

7. Eren Emre

Konami Code Websites

Google isn't the only one to master this trick.

8. DangoDesign.net

Discover a throwback cutscene.

9. Kuppiya.com

Get goosed.

10. Dancesportifno.net

Your boss will never know.

11. Plurk.com

Try typing the code on anyone's profile page.

12. Bandit.Co.Nz

Sometimes, you have to know where to look for warning signs. Type the code and press enter.

13. CSSLine.com

So you can find ALL THE KONAMI CODES!

14. ElliotKember.com

Konami cheat code game tower defense

Just in case your boss does find out about your AIM trick.

15. NikDaum.com

For secret awesomeness.

16. Shirtoid.com

Konami Code Games List Websites

Aliens are the new black.

17. Teddy-O-Ted.com

Because your Konami hunting skills deserve a prize.

18. UseTrackThis.com

It's healthy to laugh at yourself.


19. Kahale.net

For a friend who appreciates your geekiness.

Konami Cheat Code

20. Digg.com

You really should have seen this one coming.

Konami Cheat Code Game Blox Piece

Image: Mashable, Max Knoblauch