Chest Mini Game Minish Cap Cheat
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Gaming accessories and cheat devices for Pokemon Go, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS, PS4, PS3, PS2, GameCube, Wii and Wii U. Cheat Codes for Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Game Boy Advance & SP Saves & Codes. Go to South Hyrule Field on the bottom left side. Equip your sword and the Pegasus Boots. Run into the sparkling bush and it will turn into a stump. You must have learned the dash attack from Swiftblade to do this. Become small and go into the Minish house. Fuse Kinstones with the Minish there. Visit Syrup the witch in the Minish Woods. (M) 6933ae7f 1b05341b B3d871c0 15e1bfa1 Infinite Health 253d28c7 015f1cfb Maximum Health 5cb4a820 19d7b24d Infinite Bombs 96d82ea0 2cf7e42., The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Gameboy Advance.
This is a sub-page of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.
- 1Prototype Dungeons
- 2Prototype Areas
- 4Other Rooms
Prototype Dungeons
Most of the dungeons from the final game have incomplete early versions of them left in the final game:
Deepwood Shrine
33000BF4 004D - 33000BF5 0000
Cave of Flames
33000BF4 0057 - 33000BF5 0000
Fortress of Winds
33000BF4 005F - 33000BF5 0000
Temple of Droplets
Only one room is left.
33000BF4 0067 - 33000BF5 0000
The Royal Crypt
The four green rupees are Rupee-Likes.
33000BF4 0068 - 33000BF5 0003
33000BF4 0068 - 33000BF5 0005
33000BF4 0068 - 33000BF5 0006
The Tomb of the King in the Royal Crypt
33000BF4 006F - 33000BF5 0000
The Palace of Winds
It seems that some things come from inside the Four Sword.
33000BF4 0077 - 33000BF5 0000
Elemental Sanctuary
33000BF4 007F - 33000BF5 0000
Hyrule Castle
There are a few chests and rooms in a very bad state.
33000BF4 0087 - 33000BF5 0000
Dark Hyrule Castle
33000BF4 008F - 33000BF5 0000
Prototype Areas
Hyrule Field Digging Area
There is an early version of a digging area seen in Hyrule Field. The prototype uses a Hyrule Town tileset, possibly suggesting the area was moved during development.
33000BF4 000F - 33000BF5 0010
33000BF4 0013 - 33000BF5 0003
Unused Mini-Dungeon
One of the more interesting unused areas, this appears to be a mini-dungeon. The room at the top right is very strange.
33000BF4 0040 - 33000BF5 0000
That mini-dungeon has also an alternate version that uses a cave tileset.
33000BF4 0046 - 33000BF5 0000
Other Rooms
Unused Dungeon Entrance
This place is amazing scenery to the entrance of a dungeon. The entrance leads to Deepwood Shrine. May have been intended for the Temple of Droplets, which doesn't have a horizontal entrance in the final game.
33000BF4 0061 - 33000BF5 0000
Unused Caves
This cave with three rooms were used as a test for copies of Link. One of the rooms was visible in the trailer of The Minish Cap at E3 2004.
33000BF4 0047 - 33000BF5 0000
Probably a small underground room where a chest would appear.
33000BF4 0032 - 33000BF5 0002
Another underground room with blocks, including two that can be destroyed.
33000BF4 0032 - 33000BF5 0004
A small cave with water and two waterfalls. The chest has no data, so it gives a fairy by default.
33000BF4 0032 - 33000BF5 000A
A cave with a big block to push, which would make a chest appear on the slab.
33000BF4 0032 - 33000BF5 0006
A large room in a cave with a statue that can be pushed. That's it.
33000BF4 0045 - 33000BF5 0000
Unused Houses
Unused Minish house.
33000BF4 002D - 33000BF5 0005
The maps below contain treasure chests arranged to form the Japanese word 'nashi' (ナシ) in katakana, which basically means 'nothing,' or 'without.' This was probably done to mark the rooms as unused.
33000BF4 0022 - 33000BF5 0005
33000BF4 0022 - 33000BF5 0013
33000BF4 0025 - 33000BF5 0007
33000BF4 0025 - 33000BF5 0008
33000BF4 0025 - 33000BF5 0009
33000BF4 0027 - 33000BF5 0005
33000BF4 0027 - 33000BF5 000E
33000BF4 0027 - 33000BF5 0010
33000BF4 0027 - 33000BF5 0011
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Unlimited Rupees
First get the mole mitts then go to the door ofyour house. Dig on the left side of the door andyou'll get 20 rupees, Go inside your house andgo back out to repeat this.
Rupee Stash
In the beginning of the game, you will start inyour house. There is a treasure box. Open it toget 20 rupees, although you may want to save ituntil later when you might need it.
Fairy Tree
In North Hyrule Field, there is a lone tree NEXTto the fairy spring. Dash into it and a fairywill pop out. do this as many times as you like.
North Hyrule Fairy
If you go to the tree right next to the fairyfountain and dash into it using the PegasusBoots,a fairy will appear.
Goram's Real Estate
Gorman will show up in Hyrule Town when you fuseKinstones with one of the sisters at the inn. Ifyou talk to him, the shady real estate agentwill tell you he's looking for a tenant.Whichever sister you inform of the vacancy willmove into the house and fill one of your emptybottles with a free charm when you visit her.The red sister's charm will inmcrease yourstrength, (and change your clothes red) theblue's will boost your defence, (and change yourclothes blue) and the green's will power up bothattributes (though to a lessr extent). If youfuse Kinstones with Bremor (who's standing nextto the post office), the carpenters will build anew house that another one of the sisters canmove into.
Wake-Up Gifts
In addition to replenished health, you'll recivea free Kinstone when you stay at the inn. Thecheap room (50 rupees) comes with a greenKinstone. If you decide to splurge on the 200-Rupee room, you'll get a blue Kinstone. High-society types who spend 400 Rupees on the luxurysuite will find a red Kinstone on their pillow.(ok, not LITERALLY on their pillow, but, it's inthe treasure chest, ok?) lol!
Swordsman Newsletters
If you fuse Kinstones with the postman who'srunning around Hyrule Town, Marcy will startselling the 'Swordsman Newsletter' at the postoffice. Each issue is packed with helpful tipsfor aspiring warriors. Additional volumes willbecome available as you train with theswordmasters.
How To Get Mysterious Shells
If you are in need of mysterious shells all youhave to do is go to south Hyrule feild and startcutting grass with your sword. After cutting somegrass you should find some mysterious shells.
Bottle Locations
Complete all kinstone fusions then talk toTingle.
Get The Carlov Medal
Once you got the Carlov Medal, talk to the mansitting at the table outside of the cafe andhe'll give you the key to go into his housewhich is the house that was locked on one side.Inside, you'll see a phonograph that can playmuisic that you heared throughout the game.Don't forget to get the heart piece and thethree chests.
Directions To Graveyard
When you get to the part where it's really darkin the Royal Valley, get out your flame lanturnand go in the following directions to thegraveyard: up, left, left, up, right and up.
Get The Light Arrows
If you have already beaten the game you cannotget the light arrows. First you need to go toHyrule Town. Then go to the northwest part oftown and you will see a house with a yellowroof. Fuse kinstones with the man inside thehouse. It will unlock a teleport to a castle inthe Cloud Tops. In the castle, you will find anold man plagued by an evil spirit. Then use thegust jar to suck up the ghost. When you comeback to the Cloud Tops later in the game, gointo the castle and talk to the same old man.Then he'll give you the light arrows.
Heart Piece In Bell
When you get Roc's cape, jump through the bellin the middle of Hyrule Town then a heart piecewill fall out.
Sleep In Your Bed
When you go to your house, go upstairs to yourroom. Go infront of your bed and Ezlo will askyou if you want to take a nap. Say yes andyou'll go to sleep. When you wake up, yourhealth will be full. This is an easier way toheal your self without trying to find a fairy.
Get The Magical Boomerang
To get the magical boomerang, fuse kinestoneswith all four of the tingle brothers. Go insideevery tree in North Hyrule Field and hit everyswitch, then a ladder in the middle will appear.Go down it and open the chest with a magicalboomerang in it. The magical boomerang allowsyou to control its direction when it comes backto you.
Mario References
At Lon Lon Ranch, Talon sort of looks like Mariowith the mustach, red shirt and blue overalls.Another are Mario enemies. The Bombite lookexactly like Bob-ombs except they have red eyesand feet, the Spiked Beetle looks like Spinysexcept are blue and there is an enemy that lookslike Lakitu but he throws electric balls insteadof spinys.
Original Zelda Music
When you go to Royal Crypt in Royal Valley, themusic is the same music from the temple levelsin The Legend of Zelda.
Get Remote Bombs
To get remote bombs, go back to Minish Villageand talk to the elder, then fuse kinstones withhim. Then go to where you first got the originalbombs from the picori. Talk to him and you'llget the remote bombs. Just set the bomb whereveryou like and press the same button to blow it up.
Consol Zelda Characters
In the game, you night notice some of the samecharacters you see in the consol versions likethe carpenters.
Get The Mirror Sheild
Zelda Minish Cap Codebreaker Cheats
First you must beat the game and complete theGoron quest. Go to the sixth and final Goron andfuse kinstones with him. Then the giant Goronwill appear on top of Veil Falls. Go there andlet the giant Goron eat your small sheild, comeback to him later and he will give you themirror sheild.
Lots Of Rupees
In Hyrule Town, play the cucco catching gameover and over again. Every time you win, youwill get rupees and shells.
Break Sparkling Trees
Throughout the game, you will see sparklingtrees. Break them open by running into them withyour pegasus on. When they open, you can usethem to turn small.
Defeat The Boss In The Fortress Of Winds
To beat the boss of the Fortress of Winds firstequip the bow and arrow and your sword. Try toshoot the orbs on his hands. He will try topunch you and throw you across the room. Whenyou have shot his hands and stunned then he willfall to the ground.Then shrink down to theminish size by shrinking on the shrink portal inthe top of the room. Enter through his mouthquickly and slash the collumn with the eye onit. Then you need to get out quick. When yourout redo the process with shooting his hands.Then shrink and go inside him again. This timeequip the mole mitts and dig to the correctcollumn quickly. Repeat the whole porcess untilhes defeated. You will get a heart container butyou will not get the wind element until later inthe game.
Wind Crest Locations
The location of the wind crests in Hyrule are asfollows. South Hyrule Field there is one. CastorWilds there is one. Viel Falls there is one.Cloud Tops there are two of them. Mt. Crenelthere is one. Hyrule Town there is one. You canuse wind crests to warp to different areasthroughout Hyrule.
Beat Gleeok
To beat Gleeok the boss of The Cave of Flamesfirst equip the cane of pacci and your sword.Try to distract him and get a good aim at hisshell. Avoid getting hit by thwe fireballs. Whenthey are on the ground you can slash them andthey may have a heart at times. Then when youhave a good shot fire a blast from the cane ofpacci at him. This will cause his shell to flyup exposing his back and causing him to bestunned. when his head crashes to the ground runacross his neck until your on his back. Thenhack away at his yellow orb on his back. Becareful because he will submerge in the lavawhen he wakes up. He will then try to hit youwith rocks. Avoid then by rolling when a shadowis on top of you. Repeat the process three orfour times to defeat him. You'll get a heartcontainer and the fire element.
Beat The Giant Green Chu Ju At Deepwood Shrine
To beat the giant green Chu Ju of DeepwoodShrine first equip the gust jar and your sword.Then suck up the goop at the bottom of the chuju. He will begin to fall. Try not to getsmashed by him when he falls. When he's on theground hack at him like crazy with the sword. Dothis two or three times to beat him. You'll geta heart container and the earth element when itsall over.
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Minish Cap Cheats
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Created by: Zeldas biggest fan.Read the full guide...
Zelda Minish Cap Walkthrough
Created by: ratchet and clank rulez.Read the full guide...