Battlefield 2 Game Cheat

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  2. Battlefield 2 Xbox Cheats
  3. Battlefield 2 Free Full Game
  4. Battlefield 2 Cheat Codes

Cheat List

Note: Always make backups and alter game files at your own risk. In order to make your team practically invincible and have permanent endurance
go to the game folder (C:Program FilesEA GamesBattlefield 2modsbf2Objects_server.zipsoldiers)
and first choose which side that you want to modify; ch for china, eu for
europe, mec for arabs, and us for united states, Etc, remember to keep the
folder open by minimizing it to the taskbar
First make a backup then cut the file and right click on it and uncheck read
only. Then go to ?_heavy_soldier.tweak and ?_light_soldier.tweak and open them in a text editor.
ObjectTemplate.SprintDissipationTime 8
change to
ObjectTemplate.SprintDissipationTime 999999
ObjectTemplate.armor.maxHitPoints 100
change to
ObjectTemplate.armor.maxHitPoints 999999
ObjectTemplate.armor.hitPoints 100
change to
ObjectTemplate.armor.hitPoints 999999
Then save the file and right click on it and select read only and place it
back In the correct folder.
To upgrade weapons, go to C:Program FilesEA GamesBattlefield 2modsbf2
Objects_server.zipkits and then again select which side that you want to
modify; ch for china, eu for europe, mec for arabs, and us for united states,
remember to keep the folder open by minimizing it to the taskbar.
First make a backup then cut the file and place it on the desktop and right
click on it and uncheck read only, then open it in a text editor. Change all of the following files by opening each one:
?_Assault.con, ?_AT.con, ?_Engineer.con, ?_Medic.con, ?Sniper.con, ?, _Specops.con, and ?_Support.con
scrolling to:
ObjectTemplate.unlockLevel 2
and change to:
ObjectTemplate.unlockLevel 0
and do this on all of the above mentioned files which will upgrade their
weapons, then save the file and right click on it and select read only and place it
back into the correct folder. Play the game and try running without losing endurance, shooting upgraded
weapons and taking direct fire without injury, now you are a UberSoldat!

Null HUD

Input renderer.drawHud 0 to delete the HUD. This gives you the chance to get some choice screens. Default value is unknown.

Unlock Weapons

This code may be for the DEMO version only. Make a back-up of the file being edited as well. Do not e-mail death threats to IGN because you mistakenly alter your FAT.
Open the file with a text editor and go to line 44. You should see a text string defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]. Change all the zeroes to ones: defaultUnlocks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] and save the file as a *.py file.

Admin Commands

  • admin.listPlayers:Lists the players connected to the server. This command lists the players ID number, their player name and if the player is remote it also lists the players IP number. The players ID number is also available on the Scoreboard / Manage Tab

  • admin.runNextLevel:Forces the server to end the round and start the next map in the map list.

  • admin.currentLevel:Shows the map list ID number for the current map being played. The same as mapList.currentMap.
  • Retro game cheats for Battlefield 2 (Xbox 360). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games. Some players cheat by spamming grenades, with our BF2 hack, you will survive all the explosive spam on Karkand. 50 grenades all flying at you with the oppositions RPG, mortar strikes, and vehicles is simple to bypass now. Medics will love being able to level up and not worry about respawning deaths anymore.

  • admin.nextLevel:Shows the map list ID number for the next map to be played.

    • admin.banPlayer: [timeout]Enter the player ID number you would like to ban. Bans the player from this server by using their IP address.
    - Bans can be set on CD key hashes.
    - Bans are stored as absolute times in banlist.con. Existing bans in banlist.con will be interpreted as permanent bans.
    You can choose from a selection of time outs:
    - Entering 'perm' means that the ban is permanent. This is the default if no time out is entered.
    - An integral number meaning the number of seconds the ban will be active (i.e. 3600 means one hour).
    - Entering 'round' means the ban is active until the next map.
    - A whole number preceded by a colon (i.e. :1234567), meaning the epoch expiration time of the ban (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970)

  • admin.banPlayerKey: [timeout]Enter the player ID number you would like to ban. Bans the player from this server by using their CD key hash. You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out list.

  • admin.addAddressToBanList: [timeout]Enter the IP number you would like to ban. You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out list.

  • admin.addKeyToBanList: [timeout]Enter the CD key hash you would like to ban. You can also specify a time out. See admin.banPlayer for the time out list.

  • admin.removeAddressFromBanList: Enter the IP address you would like to remove from the ban
  • list.
  • Battlefield 2 for pc

  • admin.removeKeyFromBanList: Enter the CD key hash you would like to remove from the ban list
  • admin.clearBanList:Clears all ban lists.
  • admin.listBannedAddresses:Displays a list of the currently banned IP addresses.
  • admin.listBannedKeys:Displays a list of the currently banned CD keys.
  • admin.kickPlayer: Enter the ID number of the player you would like to kick.

  • Map list Commands

    • mapList.list:Every map on the server has an ID number, which is used for voting to change maps. This command lists those numbers, the map name, game mode and the number of players if specified.
    • mapList.configFile: Used to specify the location of the _mapList.conThe default is My DocumentsBattlefield 2 DemoServerConfigs
    • mapList.load:Makes the server reload the _mapList.con
    • the current map list on the server to the file _mapList.con
    • mapList.mapCount:Shows the total number of maps in the current map list
    • mapList.currentMap:Shows the map list ID number of the current map being played
    • mapList.clear:Clears the current map list.Warning: If there are no maps in the map list when the server starts loading a new map, all clients will be left on the loading screen.
    • mapList.remove: Removes the map you specify from the map list

  • mapList.append: [number of players]Add a new map to the end of the map list. You must specify the map name and the game mode. Number of players is optional, if not specified will default to the current server setting.

  • mapList.insert: [number of players]Exactly the same as mapList.append, but with this command you canspecify at what map ID number to insert the new map into the list at.

  • Remote Console Access

    To setup remote console access to the server:
    - On the server create a new plain text document inadmin called default.cfg
    - Enter the following text into the new file:
    - Save the file, and start the server.
    Now you can access the server remotely by using the following commands
    from a client:
    - rcon login
    Use this command to login to the server.
    - rcon users
    This command lists all the users connected to the server. Very similar to admin.listPlayers
    - rcon exec
    Replace with a console command you would like to execute on the server.
    For example: rcon exec admin.kickPlayer 3

    Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
    Corey Feldman Interview
    All weaponsBattlefield 2 cheat codes

    While playing the game, hold LB + RB and quickly press Right(2), Down, Up, Left(2) to unlock all weapons.

    Infinite C4 in Multiplayer mode

    In online Multiplayer mode, start out with a Spec Ops, then kill yourself. Make sure to remember where you were in order to reach the weapons pack you left behind. Then, play as a Spec Ops again. Go to where your weapons pack was deposited. Switch to your C4 and throw one, but do not detonate. Then, switch weapons pack. Again, use another C4 but do not detonate. You will not run out of C4s as long as you keep switching packs. Repeat these steps and one of the weapons packs should contain as many C4s as when you switched packs. You can also create a large explosion if your C4s were thrown near each other. However, this glitch is only limited to the immediate area unless you want to walk back and forth between your target or where you killed yourself near your target (for example, a large explosion with a helicopter, tank, or jeep and use the mass amount of C4s as a kamikaze attack).

    Battlefield 2 For Pc

    Avoiding missiles

    When flying a helicopter in Multiplayer mode, if you start to get laser targeted (not GTAM), fly as fast as possible, and at the same time get as low to the ground as you possible. If done correctly, the missile will hit the ground and miss you most of the time.

    EA formation

    Unlock the Frag Grenade weapon challenge, then successfully complete all rounds and kill all enemies through round ten. If every enemy is killed, you will go into round eleven. In this round, the soldiers move and create the shape of first an 'E', then an 'A' as a reference to EA Games.

    Hotswap Challenge

    When doing the Hotswap Challenge, it is easier if you move towards the marker to make more 'Hotswaps' available. By doing this, you will not lose 1,000 points.

    RPG Rocket Challenge

    When doing the RPG Rocket Challenge, the further you are away when you blow a vehicle up, the more points you get. An easy way to get points is to take a vehicle's shield down at close range, hotswap to a further away RPG man, then finish the vehicle off.

    Get two helicopters easily in Air Traffic Control level

    At the beginning of the Air Traffic Control level, you will start out as a sniper. Directly behind you will be a chopper. Turn around as soon as the level begins to get a good shot. Shoot the pilot and the chopper will fall a short distance directly in front of you. Make sure you hit the pilot, and not the chopper or it will explode. Note: It may require a few attempts to hit the pilot. You can then get in and shoot out the turrets with the chopper. When the jeeps come by, hotswap to one and go directly past the turrets and into the helicopter inside the heliport. You will not have acquired two helicopters, making this level very easy.

    Multiplayer ranks

    Battlefield 2 Xbox Cheats

    Get the indicated number of medals, points per hour (PPH), and points to achieve the corresponding rank:

    Battlefield 2 Free Full Game

      Brigadier General: 12 medals, 19,390 points, 85 PPH
      Captain: 8 medals, 8,430 points, 65 PPH
      Chief Warrant Officer: 5 medals, 3,700 points, 50 PPH
      Colonel: 11 medals, 16,070 points, 80 PPH
      Commanding Sergeant Major: 3 medals, 1,820 points, 40 PPH
      Corporal: 0 medals, 70 points, 15 PPH
      First Lieutenant: 7 medals, 6,560 points, 60 PPH
      Five Star General: 15 medals, 32,000 points, 100 PH
      Lieutenant Colonel: 10 medals, 13,150 points, 75 PPH
      Lieutenant General: 14 medals, 27,330 points, 95 PPH
      Major: 9 medals, 10,620 points, 70 PPH
      Major General: 13 medals, 23,150 points, 90 PPH
      Master Sergeant: 1 Medal(s), 720 points, 30 PPH
      Private: 0 medals, 0 points, 0 PPH
      Private First Class: 0 medals, 20 points, 10 PPH
      Second Lieutenant: 6 medals, 4,900 points, 55 PPH
      Sergeant: 0 medals, 190 points, 20 PPH
      Sergeant First Class: 0 medals, 390 points, 25 PPH
      Sergeant Major: 2 medals, 1,180 points, 35 PPH
      Warrant Officer: 4 medals, 2,650 points, 45 PPH

    Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

    Battlefield 2 Cheat Codes

      Army Cross: Campaign (20 points): Kill 10 enemies using land based vehicles without losing the multiplier.
      Air Force Cross: Campaign (20 points): Kill 10 enemies using air based vehicles without losing the multiplier.
      Marksman: Campaign (20 points): Kill 4 enemies with one clip of a sniper rifle.
      Mechanic: Campaign (20 points): Repair 5 allied vehicles in a mission using the Blowtorch - at least one third armour must be repaired.
      Medic: Campaign (20 points): Heal 4 allies without dying using the Auto Injector - at least one third health must be restored.
      Navy Cross: Campaign (20 points): Kill 5 enemies using water based vehicles without losing the multiplier.
      Expert Assault: Campaign (25 points): Kill 10 enemies using Assault Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
      Expert Sniper: Campaign (25 points): Kill 10 enemies using Sniper Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
      Expert Special Ops: Campaign (25 points): Kill 10 enemies using Special Ops Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
      Expert Engineer: Campaign (25 points): Kill 10 enemies using Engineer Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
      Expert Support: Campaign (25 points): Kill 10 enemies using Support Kit weapons without losing the multiplier.
      Grenadier: Campaign (20 points): Kill 20 enemies with grenades in a single mission.
      Commando: Campaign (20 points): Kill 4 enemies in a mission using a knife.
      Sapper: Campaign (20 points): Kill 20 enemies using C4 or landmines in a single mission.
      Expert Use Of Mortar: Campaign (20 points): Kill 3 enemies and no allies with a single Mortar Strike.
      Army Cross: Online (20 points): Kill 10 enemies without dying using land based vehicles.
      Air Force Cross: Online (20 points): Kill 10 enemies without dying using air based vehicles.
      Marksman: Online (20 points): Kill 4 enemies with one clip of a sniper rifle.
      Mechanic: Online (20 points): Repair 5 allied vehicles without dying using the Blowtorch - at least one third armor must be repaired.
      Medic: Online (20 points): Heal 4 allies without dying using the Auto Injector - at least one third health must be restored.
      Navy Cross: Online (20 points): Kill 5 enemies without dying using water based vehicles.
      Expert Assault: Online (25 points): Kill 10 enemies without dying using Assault Kit weapons.
      Expert Sniper: Online (25 points): Kill 10 enemies without dying using Sniper Kit weapons.
      Expert Special Ops: Online (25 points): Kill 10 enemies without dying using Special Ops Kit weapons.
      Expert Engineer: Online (25 points): Kill 10 enemies without dying using Engineer Kit weapons.
      Expert Support: Online (25 points): Kill 10 enemies without dying using Support Kit weapons.
      Grenadier: Online (20 points): Kill 20 enemies with grenades in a single round.
      Commando: Online (20 points): Kill 4 enemies without dying using a knife.
      Sapper: Online (20 points): Kill 20 enemies using C4 or landmines in a single round.
      Expert Use Of Mortar (20 points): Online: Kill 5 enemies and no allies with a single Mortar Strike.
      Almaty Veteran (5 points): Successfully complete all missions in the Almaty region.
      Mangystau Veteran (10 points): Successfully complete all missions in the Mangystau region.
      Qyzylorda Veteran (25 points): Successfully complete all missions in the Qyzylorda region.
      Admirable (5 points): Achieve the maximum star rating in 5 missions or challenges.
      Meritorious (20 points): Achieve the maximum star rating in 20 missions or challenges.
      Exemplary (50 points): Achieve the maximum star rating in all missions and challenges.
      Victorious China (30 points): Successfully complete all China missions.
      Victorious NATO (30 points): Successfully complete all NATO missions.
      Practiced (5 points): Participate in 50 game sessions.
      Seasoned (20 points): Participate in 200 game sessions.
      Veteran (50 points): Participate in 500 game sessions.
      Team (5 points): Get 5 major victories.
      Alliance (20 points): Get 20 major victories.
      Coalition (50 points): Get 50 major victories.
      Conqueror (5 points): Finish top in 5 games.
      Dominator (20 points): Finish top in 20 games.